
Want To Study Abroad ? Here Are The List Of Exams You Need To Write Before You Can Study In Abroad

Hi ! , I’m happy to have you in my blog today.  I’m sure you are searching for the List Of exam you need to wrote before you can study in abroad well in this article I’m going to list out the whole exams that you need to to write atleast one of them before you can gain admission to study in abroad,  so kindly read this post to the end.

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Studying in abroad have been everyone dream either on fully funded scholarship or not because  when you travel out to study in a foreign countries you are exposed to new environment and you tend to make new friends and learn more. So if your dream is to study abroad in USA , UK, SCOTLAND, BELGIUM,  AUSTRALIA,  AUSTRIA, CANADA,  SPAIN , FRANCE, TURKEY e.t.c either with scholarship or self sponsored you need to take note of some of the exams you need to write before you can start processing for your admission to the school of your choice so you are to write atleast one of the exams that will be listed below.


The following are the list of exams you need to write before you can study in abroad , take note you are to write atleast one of them.

1            IELTS              International English Language Testing System (IELTS) This test is based of listening, speaking, reading and writing. So any students that want to study in USA,  UK ,CANADA etc should prepare their self ahead  about 140 countries accepts IELTS exam. So take note Ielts is a test for English language proficiency.
2 SAT Scholastics Aptitude Test (SAT) This test is based on quantitative thinking most questions here are mainly mathematics so you are been test on you ability to think critically. So you are advised to prepare your self ahead of your exams with past Questions and answer  materials. And the countries that accepts SAT score are USA , UK , CANADA,  AUSTRALIA,  MALAYSIA etc.
3 TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) As the name implies is a test that evaluate the applicants ability to use English language in school so this test is mainly for non English speaking country. One of the advantages of TOEFL is that is valid for two years and you can use it to study in most universities in CANADA, UK , AUSTRALIA,  NEW ZEALAND etc.
4 ACT The America College Test (ACT) is based on the following areas : Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Science as well as reasoning so you need to prepare you self with past Questions and answer materials because it’s a standardised test. Take note Universities in USA accepts ACT.
5 GMAT Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is acceptable in INDIA , UK , AUSTRALIA, SINGAPORE, ITALY, SPAIN etc. GMAT is a computer base standardised test for students seeking for admission in to buisness rated courses e.g accountancy so the test is on English Language and mathematics.
6 GRE The Graduate Record Exam is accepted in most universities in CANADA AND USA for MS and PHD Admission and the GRE test is based on quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, analytical writing skills and also critical thinking which might not be in line with any specific study, so you need to prepared very well for it.
7 PTE Pearson Test of English this test is based on your proficiency in English Language and its accepted in USA , UK  AUSTRALIA  etc.


Take note to study abroad you are to write atleast one of the exam listed above depending on the institution you want to study in and the country as well.

Want To Study Abroad ? Here Are The List Of Exams You Need To Write Before You Can Study In Abroad

Want To Study Abroad ? Here Are The List Of Exams You Need To Write Before You Can Study In Abroad


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